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Louisiana Mothership - Hosted Trip (10/23 - 27)

Where your next "big fish" story begins...

All great fish stories stretch the truth a little bit, but sometimes the fish really are that big. Sometimes the fight really was that long. Every so often, the experience was truly as incredible as it sounds when retold years later. When it comes to the Eleven Experience Louisiana Outpost, the giant bullreds, close-quarter eats, drag peeling runs, and incredible scenery are just part of the story. They'll think your lying till you show the photos.

The marshes of Louisiana and the big fish that call this sprawling landscape home are no secret anymore. The eastern bayous near New Orleans are now packed with anglers, guides and increasingly picky fish, but the great expanse of waters to the west are ripe for unpressured sight fishing like in the good old days. The trouble is, the best bits of water are a half hour to an hour away from the mainland, meaning a long haul and shortened time on the water for most operations...not on the Eleven Outpost mothership. Here, you wake up on the prime water and start your day before most anglers even hit the dock.

The 61ft Hatteras mothership, which is equipped with only 4 staterooms for a small batch, quality experience, provides luxury and comfort in an otherwise inhospitable landscape. Once on the Outpost, you will immediately feel at home, as your every comfort and taste are taken care of by the crew. While the stewardess oversees your every need; the chef doles out exquisite meals, finger foods, and deserts that are the stuff of daydreams. Meanwhile, your captain and guide crew stand ready to put you on some of the best water and fishing experiences imaginable.

From sun up to sundown, you will comb through some of the most far-flung bayous and flats in the entire Louisiana marsh system; and do so on the nicest, most comfortable skiffs on the market with some of the best guides in the biz! We went on this trip last November and consecutively caught more and bigger redfish than ever before, with tons of bi-catch action from humongous black drum and the always picky sheepshead.

The total price tag for this trip is $4,800 for 4 nights and 4 days on the water. We are slated to take over the Outpost ship on October 23rd - 27th and there are only 3 spots available. If you're interested please contact the shop ASAP and speak with Seth. 423-541-4691


For more info on this trip CLICK HERE or on the image below.

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